Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Well the week has settled down a bit. Rinaldo came back to work today, with his knee immobilizer. Thankfully he does most of his work at his desk so he should be ok. I haven't done much knitting since the ER. Yesterday on the train I was reading, although I had Bob with me to work on. I was happy to see when I got to work that my Patternworks order had arrived, so now I have the missing blue for the Log Cabin blanket.

I've actually acquired a few books over the past couple weeks, so since I have no knitting pictures to share I thought I would show them off instead.

Maribel picked this up for me at her store this weekend:

It sounds like a good read. It's about 2 women who are widows, and are completely different but come together over their knitting. It's an Australian author. I can't wait to start it.

I picked this up at the last meeting of my knitting group (Maribel's store has all the best knitting books!):

I always love Debbie Bliss and with all the babies making their debuts this summer I thought it would be a good investment. There are some really beautiful pieces in here. I just have to decide which one to start with.

I got this with my reward points from the Crafter's Choice book club:

I've been meaning to get it for awhile, as my finishing skills are lacking, but I kept putting it off. I couldn't resist it for free though (ok I paid shipping but it was only $4).

I also got a call from the woman who heads the NYU Naughty Knitters. We will be meeting next Friday and they knit blankets for babies with AIDS. Fun for a good cause, it doesn't get much better than that. She said they were running low on yarn so I will be bringing in some of my larger odd balls to share with them. She seemed pleasantly surprised to hear I had yarn to spare, little does she know...