Monday, September 13, 2004

The Week Where No Knitting Was Done

Ok, not completely true, but true enough. When classes start, work is hell. All the faculty want to know is their book here, why not, I ordered it yesterday! So I put everything else on low flame. I haven't even been taking knitting on my commute, I picked up a book. Not a new one but an old comfortable favorite. I can't over tax my brain.

I did manage to finish the back of Devan but I haven't blocked it yet. The little work that I've been doing has been on the Wool Ease stripped sweater for my husband. God I love chunky yarn sometimes. It's going so fast and it's so soft. I am a little more than halfway up the front.

I took both days off this past weekend, for the first time in weeks. Avery had, oddly enough, an ice skating birthday party to attend. We took Ian and discovered, much to our suprise that he loves to ice skate. He didn't want to leave, hell he didn't even want to take off his skates. We got many amazed looks and compliments on our little skating 2 1/2 year old. Avery and Ian are so far apart in age I love it when they can both really enjoy an activity together.