I have actually been chugging along on Devan's sleeves. As expected my row gauge is off so I had to alter the increases. After increasing every 6th row about 5 times, I am now doing it every fourth row. I am on the 10th increase so only 3 more repeats to go. I measured Ian's arm and as he is very long and lanky his arm is a tad longer so I am actually going to 12". If it runs too long I can always roll up the sleeve a bit more.
Maybe they'll be finishing going on in the old town tonight...
Now I have 2 little boy sweaters unfinished and one man sweater unfinished so what does any good knitter do...go and buy more yarn.
Tashie's mom was talking about her bathroom and the yellow carpet so I decided to buy some cotton chenille to make her a few of the Reverse Bloom washcloths. I paid a visit to Numei's site and low and behold they had a sale, $1.95 per skein. I bought six.
Of course, later when I showed the yarn to Tashie, she told me that I was confused her bathroom is yellow, her mom's is blue. Thankfully I still have a few skeins of the blue cotton chenille left so I have decided to mix them together. This way they can be used for either bathroom.
Crisis averted...at least until the next one arises...
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Posted by
Nancy Wetmore-Mathews
11:37 AM
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Just because I know we all love pictures, here are some:
Here is 3 pieces of Devan:
And a close-up of the patch:
It came out fine in the end, but it did have some gaps on one side. I guess I didn't twist the yarn enough. Thankfully weaving in the ends closed it up so you don't see it at all.
The sleeves were very cranky this morning and so they would not uncurl enough for a good picture. I am less than a quarter through on each of them. I haven't really been in the mood to knit in the evenings so they just get worked on while I'm on the subway.
Since my boys have made appearances in my blog, I thought it only fair to show off my new addition:
It's a girl! She came fully potty trained, can feed and clothe herself and she even does dishes. I should have gotten them all at 17...just kidding.
Posted by
Nancy Wetmore-Mathews
11:06 AM
Monday, September 20, 2004
Now that things at work have calmed down, it's time to get back to the rest of my life. It's not as though it stops while work is busy but I spend more time reacting to things rather that acting on them. In other words I'm always a few steps behind.
Here's a quick summary of life at home so far, Avery started school and Soccer. Ian is doing very well in speech therapy, he's turning into quite a chatterbox even if it's still not completely understandable. My 17 year old cousin has moved in with us during the week. Her mom bought a house upstate and it was agreed that Natasha should not change schools for her final year. We live 20 minutes away from her High School so it works well for her. I am frankly very happy about how well it's working for us too. Natasha has always been like a daughter to us and her mindset is pretty much just like ours (which does get her into a bit of trouble at home), so it's all good (or "it all just is", I'm with you Bron!).
My mother is still holding on. Amazing since a little over a month ago it was "a matter of days". Of course her doctor has always been honest about the reality of not knowing when she will finally go. It's heart wrenching though because she really is just a ghost of who she was. She can start a conversation but at some point she says something and you realize that she really has no idea what is going on around her.
All of this means very little progress to report on the knitting front. I finished the back of the striped sweater (I kept saying it was the front but the pattern starts at the back). I weaved in ends on Devan and Mya. I started the sleeves of Devan. I am doing both at the same time because I hate sleeves. My plan is to finish them in the next few days. Then do the sleeves for Mya so I can spend the weekend finishing both sweaters.
Posted by
Nancy Wetmore-Mathews
10:01 AM
Monday, September 13, 2004
The Week Where No Knitting Was Done
Ok, not completely true, but true enough. When classes start, work is hell. All the faculty want to know is their book here, why not, I ordered it yesterday! So I put everything else on low flame. I haven't even been taking knitting on my commute, I picked up a book. Not a new one but an old comfortable favorite. I can't over tax my brain.
I did manage to finish the back of Devan but I haven't blocked it yet. The little work that I've been doing has been on the Wool Ease stripped sweater for my husband. God I love chunky yarn sometimes. It's going so fast and it's so soft. I am a little more than halfway up the front.
I took both days off this past weekend, for the first time in weeks. Avery had, oddly enough, an ice skating birthday party to attend. We took Ian and discovered, much to our suprise that he loves to ice skate. He didn't want to leave, hell he didn't even want to take off his skates. We got many amazed looks and compliments on our little skating 2 1/2 year old. Avery and Ian are so far apart in age I love it when they can both really enjoy an activity together.
Posted by
Nancy Wetmore-Mathews
11:28 AM
Friday, September 03, 2004
Just a quick entry so you won't wonder where I disappeared to. Classes begin next week here at NYU so that means the book buyer never sleeps! I haven't had much time for knitting but I am finally up to the patch on Devan so that's kind of cool. I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and my baby will have his sweater just in time for some cooler weather.
I started the striped sweater for my husband, since it is a chunky yarn. It will be nice to see quick progress after Devan. Pebble Beach got frogged so I can do it on bigger needles. Maribel is a little concerned about the sizing.
I also finally got yarn to finish Mya with (and some other yarn which I will share another time). I canceled my order with New York Knits and placed an order with Carodan Farm Wool Shop.
The order arrived 4 days later. Now that's service, and I got it on sale, what could be better.
Have a great weekend...
Posted by
Nancy Wetmore-Mathews
10:29 AM